APOPTOSIS, (ap·op·to·sis: the death of cells which occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism's growth or development).
In the study of history, Arnold Toynbee points out : “Societies gain access to new energies and new directions only after a “time of troubles” initiates a process of disintegration wherein the old order comes apart. .. He showed how often the new orientation is made clear only after what he calls a “withdrawal and return” on the part of individuals or creative minorities within the society. The crucial change takes place in some in-between state or outside the margin of ordinary life…”
As we approach the winter solstice we enter the darkness. This transition point may well be the time to explore the other side of change. The series, The Year of Poppies, marks for me a shift in palette to saturated, primal colors. These Night Poppies reflect the rich interior world we enter this time of year and remind us that summer will come again. I pray with my work that Collective Renewal is happening individually and collectively during the dark months.
~ Patricia Wheeler