10:00 a.m. Sunday, March 30

Lay Led Healing Service with Holy Eucharist

  The bulletin is here.

Lenten Vespers Service

Wednesday, March 2nd at 5:00 p.m.

Click here for the Bulletin and here for Zoom link

Join us for Meditation/Silent Prayer every Monday at 4:30 P.M Zoom only

Readings, poems, and prayers are shared before a

period of silence.

Bible Study

Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.

Wednesdays March 12 - April 9 Rev. Reverend Tim Ensworth will lead us in a program entitled “Images of Resurrection.” Using artwork from around the world, Tim will open our eyes to see how artistic depictions of the resurrection of Jesus can enrich the biblical story and help us think more deeply about what the resurrection means for us.  

Spread the Word! 

Due May 1, 2025

Pastor Elaine Hewes - Priest in Charge

Wardens: John Arrison (207-505-2474) arrison17@gmail.com

Lis Ingoldsby (207-348-2586) lisingo@msn.com

Contact us:  Office@stbrendans-me.org

(207) 348-6240 Hours: Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - Noon

PO Box 305, 627 North Deer Isle Road, Deer Isle, ME 04627

Illumination of St. Brendan’s Prayer

by Vincent G. Mazzucchelli